Public Safety
SCBA has placed public safety at the forefront of its mission. We are grateful for our strong partnership with the Dallas Police Department (DPD), which plays a crucial role in our efforts. The DPD is organized into seven patrol divisions, with the Northwest Division overseeing a significant portion of the Stemmons Corridor. Through close collaboration with the Northwest Division, SCBA has pinpointed specific crime trends and identified problem areas most impacted by prevalent crimes. SCBA has actively participated in numerous initiatives aimed at addressing crime in the Corridor.

Burglary to Motor Vehicles (BMV)
Engaged in a collaborative effort with State Representative Rafael Anchia to successfully advocate for legislation that elevates the penalty for Burglary of Motor Vehicles (BMVs) to a state jail felony upon the third offense, effectively targeting the recidivism rate associated with this offense.
Teamed up with the Dallas Police Department (DPD) and local businesses to promote the Take, Lock, and Hide campaign, enhancing community awareness and participation in crime prevention.
Conducted individual meetings with businesses experiencing high incidences of BMVs, alongside the SCBA Chairman and DPD liaison, to develop tailored strategies aimed at reducing crime on their premises.
Automotive Theft
Previously, SCBA has provided funding to the Dallas Police Department (DPD) for the procurement of bait car technology. This cutting-edge technology empowers the DPD to deploy bait cars in high-crime areas, receive real-time alerts upon theft, and utilize GPS tracking to monitor the vehicle's location. Additionally, it allows for remote vehicle shutdown and suspect apprehension, enhancing law enforcement's ability to combat auto theft effectively.
Business Burglaries
SCBA advocated for an ordinance repealing verified response, relieving property owners of the responsibility to verify a burglary in progress before DPD response.
The Corridor Association supported city ordinance mandating scrap metal shops to photograph sellers, their vehicles, and the metal being sold. Additionally, shops must capture images of sellers' government-issued ID cards and thumbprints. Sellers must provide documentation proving legal ownership or entitlement to sell regulated metal property.
Public Safety Meetings
SCBA organizes public safety meetings, providing members with a valuable platform to engage with and familiarize themselves with DPD leadership and other influential figures.
Crime Statistics
SCBA diligently tracks monthly crime statistics and trends to pinpoint problematic areas, collaborating closely with DPD to develop effective strategies for intervention and improvement.